Community Assessment PROJECT
Community Health Assessment (COOK COUNTY, IL)
The community health assessment is a specific way to identify problems, needs, and strengths of people living in a community. This information is used to make decisions, set priorities, set objectives and explore ways to take action to improve health and the quality of life. Performing a community health assessment allows you to increase your understanding of the complexity and inter-related nature of factors influencing health in a population. This assignment is best approached with the understanding that you will need to start early in locating the required information through interviewing key informants, searching websites, conducting a windshield survey, and collaborating with community professionals. You will be making multiple calls to agencies and individuals and often need to leave messages for return calls. Therefore, plan this time into your schedule.
Steps to complete community assessment project
Completion of Community Health Assessment.
Include information on what is your community.
Dimensions of the place: geopolitical boundaries; size in square miles, blocks, or census tracts; history; physical environment or where it is located if it is a school, neighborhood, or community center.
Dimensions of people or persons: population numbers, demographics, age, sex, socioeconomic factors, racial distributions, rural or urban, dependency ratio, informal or formal groups, linking structures.
Dimension of function: products, goods, services, socialization of new members, police data, change or adaptation issues, provision of mutual aid (United Way, churches, religious organizations, welfare agencies), political leadership, known vulnerable groups. This data may be very limited for some communities.
Indicators of health status outcome: infant mortality rate (race and ethnic specific); death rates per 100,000 for top three diagnoses; reported incidence per 100,000 of AIDS, measles, TB, and primary and secondary syphilis. Report on one indicator of risk factors (for example, low birth weight as % of total live births, or births to adolescents as % of total births, or prenatal care received by % of mothers delivering live births, or childhood poverty measured by proportion of children less than 15 years old living in families at or below the poverty level, or proportion or people living in counties exceeding U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards for air quality).
Structure dimension: what are some of the health resources for the community?
What are the top two strengths of the community?
What do you feel are the top two community health problems? What do the community members identify as the priorities? (Select one of these problems to develop as your health promotion project).
Visit two community resources that could be used to address the problem you select. For example you find a high level of heart disease. Visit the American Heart Association that serves your area, either in person or via their website and talk to someone in the office about their health promotion programs and services. You could also talk to someone from a weight loss program that would benefit those with obesity that is contributing to their heart disease. Include the contact information for your community resources in your references list for the PowerPoint presentation (as personal communication, and the date you talked).
What “Healthy People 2020” objective might address the issue you selected?
To complete the assignment
Prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation.
Post as an attachment in the Community Health Assessment Forum.